Dedicated to Corporate Relations
Design constitutes a strategic lever for corporate development. At Strate, we train the actors of your development, and our pedagogy is built upon a strong relationship with market players.
Strate is a place of permanent dialog and collaboration with your company. Should our students become your intern, your partner, your employee, the Development and Partnership Department is listening to your needs.
We are qualified to benefit from your educational vocation tax in order to enhance and develop the teaching conditions of our students.
Taking our students on Board
Professional internships constitute a foundation of our programs: 3D Modeling, Design, Innovation & Design, Research. Running all year long, they may perfectly match your needs in terms of internships.
The duration and the type of internship depends on the program chosen by the student and his university year. Please find below all our intership periods:
MODELING (3 internships)
1st year (Workshop internship): June-July
2nd year (3-month digital internship): from March to June
3rd year (3-to-6 month qualifying internship): from June to December
DESIGNER (3 to 4 interships)
2nd year (1-month worker internship): June
3rd year (1st professional internship, 4 to 5 months): from March to June/July
4th year (4 to 5 months): from September to January
5th year (6-month qualifying internship) : from June to December
6-month qualifying internship: from July to December

Become a Partner
Our "Design" industrial partnerships are all about sharing our students' energy, passion, creativity and freedom for your prospective projects.
Once your specifications and requirements have been defined, a group of 15 to 25 students will use the school media (IT, Fab Lab, Workshops) to propose the best solution possible.
Supervised by a professional designer, they will use the methodology and expertise of a designer to provide your problem with an innovative answer.
Projects can be of different lengths:
- Sprint: intensive week
- Middle-distance: 7 weeks with a weekly follow-up
- Long-distance: 14 weeks with a weekly follow-up
Periods differ according to the class targeted:
- October to January: 3rd year and 5th year of "Design" program - Innovation and Design Master level
- February to June: 4th year of "Design" program
What they deliver are basic designers' objects: Trend surveys, concepts, mock-ups, use scenarios, video, 3D...
In any case, the school and all the parties involved in the project agree to a confidentiality clause and a contract of transfer of copyright is signed between the partner and the school.

Your Contact at Strate
Cécilia Talopp, Head of International Affairs, will be happy to answer your questions or schedule a meeting in our offices.
Cécilia Talopp
Telephone : +33 1 46 42 76 82
Mail :