Did you know that Singapore has set a national 30% goal for home-grown food by 2030?
On November 11, 2019, Strate Singapore welcomed a group of students during their Singapore field observation trip. It was a great occasion to share and exchange insights on Singapore sociological traits.
The students are from different institutions (ENS Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, Strate School of Design Paris, Télécom and ENSTA, ParisTech schools) and are participating to the Design&Science Prize (https://tinyurl.com/vlwufmv)
The 2020 edition is supported by the Economic Development Board (EDB) and offers students the opportunity to join forces and look for innovative ideas and technology by combining human-centric design and science to benefit Agritech hubs in both Asia and Europe.
Teams of students have 5 months to co-create innovative solutions in the field of urban agriculture.
All the best to the participating teams!
The Prix Design & Science – Université Paris-Saclay is a contest that has been bringing design students and engineering students together to develop innovative projects on an annual theme since 2016.