Every year, The Lucitopia Rural Design Challenge (LRDC) gathers young students teams from around the globe, to compete in providing the most feasible, innovative and sustainable solutions, leading towards rural regeneration and redevelopment in Chinese rural areas. Strate Singapore sent 4 of its Master students to compete with other reputable institutions teams, of which Strate School of Design Paris.
Kudos to the winner, the London and Strate Paris team, who finished 2nd.
Congratulations to our Strate Singapore students Christine, Shermeen, Julius and Ethan for winning the 3rd prize Award. We are impressed with the ingenious yet hard work you’ve put in and we’re thrilled that it’s being acknowledged in a tangible manner. This achievement is also a upshot of the impactful teachings of our outstanding lecturers. (a quick thanks to our hardworking staff too!)