Malakoff Mederic awards
Nathalie Castaing won the Malakoff Mederic awards
Nathalie Castaing won the Malakoff Mederic awards
First prize : Jérome LEVILLY et Renaud BOUSQUET
Johanna Rowe, étudiante à Strate, et de Steven Muhr , étudiant à l’EFREI, won the bronze medal
First prize : Victor Boeda
First prize: Thomas Bousch
Nicolas Fallourd and Paul Miles Idrobo won the 2012 DevKing awards.
Arnaud Lecat et Esther Bacot win the Jean Prouvé awards.
Glowee, a startup company created by Sandra Rey, win the 2015 Echappée Volée Prix Sustainable Developpemnt award.
Daniele Misso won the FSC France design trophy.
Mathias Schmitt won the 2015 Talents du numérique prize of the jury.
Dorothée Meilinchzon, won the Maison & Objet awards
Barbara Asei-Dantoni won Jacquart Design Trophy.
First prize: Thomas Lienhart et Clément Porée
First prize : Louisin et Nadine Nielsen
Guillaume Brault, Simon Linot, Guillaume Garnier won the first prize.
Georges DIANT was one of the 3 finalists.
Arnaud Gilbert won the design category award
Laura Gilbert, promo 2013, won the 2013 Reload My Pharmacy Challenge.
Fabory Mara (promo 2013) remporte le 1er prix
Yannick Lelogeais won the Jacques Rougerie Foundation awards.
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